Have you ever wondered why so many people think there are Bigfoot in upstate New York? In this post, learn where people say they’ve seen them, as well as a bit about the history of this mysterious legend.

While the idea of a Bigfoot might seem like a modern phenomenon dreamed up by city people who don’t spend much time in the woods, it’s not the case at all. Legends of a Bigfoot-like creature have existed for thousands of years in cultures all over the world.
In North America, especially relevant to our questions about Bigfoot in New York, the creature was known to indigenous Americans as Sasq’ets, Witiko, Wendigo, and other names. Some cultures believe that Bigfoot is an animal-like creature, and others believe that he has special powers and abilities.
The woods of upstate New York, especially the Adirondack region, are sparsely populated and thus, perfect for inspiring the imagination of humans who chose to wander through them. Some scientists, such as Professor Meldrum at Idaho State University, acknowledge that a Bigfoot-type creature, if it exists, lives in a habitat similar to the black bear.
When did Bigfoot get famous?
Mentions of a Bigfoot in the newspaper, and possibly thus additional sightings in other parts of the country, increased dramatically in the 1970s. This was likely inspired by a rash of Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific Northwest that were well-publicized.
For research on this article, I scoured decades of newspaper articles to see when discussion of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch-type creature really began showing up in print. Bigfoot, as we now know “him” (they?), is generally depicted as a tall, hairy “wild man” creature.
High-quality photographs of Bigfoot are difficult to acquire.
The Bigfoot Capital of the East Coast
The legend in the Adirondack region of New York has had an influence on the culture of the region, which is why Whitehall, New York, a small town not too far from Lake George, has gained a reputation as the “Bigfoot Capital of the East Coast”.
Bigfoot Festivals are the best place to spot Bigfoot in New York
The best places to spot Bigfoot in upstate New York are at the two NY Bigfoot festivals. While there is never a guarantee that you’ll see a real Bigfoot, you are sure to find people who will claim that they have (or know someone who has). Plus, you’ll have lots of fun.
What are some logical explanations for Bigfoot sightings?
A large black bear standing on its hind legs in the shadow of a forest could look very much like the mysterious Bigfoot creature. Anyone who has seen a bear stand up like this, which is actually very common bear behavior, might agree.
In fact, many researchers have suggested that there is a definitive overlap between areas where black bears are commonly seen and Bigfoot sightings. Then again, as we learned earlier in this article, the black bear and Bigfoot, if it did exist, would share a similar habitat.
Alternate explanations could also include that some sightings are figments of an overactive imagination, dark stumps of trees and shadows that form a rough Bigfoot shape, actual humans dressed in woodsmen clothing seen from afar, or wooden cutouts of Bigfoot hidden in the woods.
I myself am someone who has a very active imagination when hiking out in the woods, thought I admit that I have never imagined a Bigfoot creature. Last fall, I was hiking near a remote lake in Quebec when I thought I saw an adult and juvenile moose near a small pond.
I stood there for almost 15 minutes waiting for “the moose” to see me and leave the area. And yes, I was hoping to get a picture, too.
After no moment happened, I continued my walk around the pond and realized that the “moose” were two rotted out tree stumps that, I swear, looked exactly like moose from where I had been standing before. So hey, it can happen!
I hope you found this article interesting and that you learned a bit about the history of the search for Bigfoot in New York State.
What do you think causes people to think they spot Bigfoot in the forest? Do you think it is a bear standing on its legs?
Let me know in the discussion below!